In our project Mis Gustos, we were tasked with creating 7 sentences that described our likes, our friend’s likes, and our family’s likes. In those sentences we were allowed the use of each pronoun associated with gustar type verbs once in the section about us, and once in the section about our family. This added a certain level of challenge to the project, as I would find myself trying to reuse the pronouns I was fond of. I found that this project was a way to get ourselves to know to speak Spanish better because it was, instead of a concept, an application for the knowledge we were taught. This made the project easier to stomach and less of a grind for me to finish.
Tyler, your video had very good flow and blended well. Your pronunciation was great but you were missing a few punctuation marks.Other than that, I liked your pictures and enjoyed it very much.Good Job!
Hello Andrew. Thanks for taking the time to listen to my project. Next time I create a project I’ll be sure to watch my punctuation while writing. Thanks again for taking the time to help out.